14 Ideas For Generating Prospects & Customers

Since launching this blog, I’ve been inundated with people asking for marketing advice. The requests have come from entrepreneurs who do business online and offline. Unfortunately, I don’t have time[ more ]
Supercharge Your Business During the Summer Months

It’s now summer in the northern hemisphere. Summer is typically a slow time for a lot of businesses. While your competitors may be resigned to not getting new business, you can[ more ]
How to Create Free Content That Offers Value Part 2

We all know that offering free content is a fabulous way to generate interest in your business, establish yourself as an authority, and create trust with your prospects. Last week,[ more ]
How to Create Free Content That Offers Value Part 1

We all know that offering free content is a fabulous way to generate interest in your business, establish yourself as an authority, and create trust with your prospects. Let’s get[ more ]
8 Situations Where You May Want to Work For Free

This is another installment in my “free versus paid” series. I also have a live training called “Converting Free to Paid” that will help you get a better handle on free[ more ]
10 Steps to Making Video Work For You
Yesterday was a video production day. We’ve been creating more and more video lately. Unlike some marketers, I don’t believe in using video for everything. If a written document or[ more ]
How To Build A Twitter Following Naturally

Are you following me on Twitter? . Many people ask me how I got to over 130,000 followers on Twitter. Each of us uses Twitter in unique ways & for[ more ]
Please Don’t…. on Twitter

Are you following me on Twitter? . Please don’t… . DM me… That you can show me how to get more followers (chances are I have more followers than you[ more ]
Here’s How NOT To Use Social Media for Business
As a fairly high profile social media personality, I am probably exposed to more of the good and bad that happens in social media than the average business user. I[ more ]
10 Reasons Why I Opted-Out of Klout

One of the hot topics over the past few weeks has been Klout and the changes that the company made in how Klout scores were assigned, privacy issues, and other[ more ]