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Monday, February 8, 2016
Gosh, what a crazy busy time!
My agency Frontspace has been growing like crazy. (Need a funnel, branding or help with creating a program? Reach out to us!) My Facebook community METribe has now hit over 1200 members. I’m about to release my first book, “Package Produce Promote.” So many exciting things happening – I need to remind myself to breathe!
In the midst of this craziness, I just re-opened registration for “Converting Free to Paid.” If you’re tired of brain picking requests, this program can help you know how to handle each situation. We’ll be starting March 1st and early bird discounts are available now. Although this will be the 4th time I’ve offered the program, the content is being entirely revamped. I hope you’ll join us!
Practice awesomeness daily!