Sharon sends out daily updates via email so you can stay on top of her latest news, blog posts and more. What follows is one of her daily updates.
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June 10, 2013 Update
Welcome to a brand new week! I hope that you had a fabulous weekend and got some fun in. It’s a new week and a time to kick it up a notch.
In today’s update, I want to give a reminder of the free training I’ll be giving today and offer you some Monday motivation.
Reminder: “How Free May Be Sabotaging Your Success Training” is Today!
Did you register for my free living training “How Free May Be Sabotaging Your Success” yet? It takes place today. In this one hour session, I’ll be sharing with you some insights on how much “free” may be costing you and give you some actionable steps to take back control. You can get more information and register here.
Monday Motivation: You Don’t Need to See the Whole Staircase
One of my favorite quotes was said by Martin Luther King, Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” I’m sure most of you have heard this quote before, but have you considered what it means and how this applies to your own life?
Often people have a goal in mind but they can’t see every step involved with reaching that goal. In fact, just the idea of figuring out all of the steps can be overwhelming enough, that many people choose not to take action at all. Does this sound like you?
In my own life, it’s rare that I know every single step I need to take to reach a goal when I start working towards it. Even when I think I do know every step, things happen that I don’t expect so I need to make changes with my next step.
If there’s something you want, you don’t have to have all of the details worked out now to get it. Just figure out what the next step is that can help bring you closer. Take daily action and you’ll get to the top of the staircase!
Practice awesomeness daily!