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June 26, 2014 Update
Two posts for you to check out today!
Have a great weekend!
What To Do With Your Domain Name When You Rebrand
Rebranding your company or website to something new and exciting can spark massive growth and success. Once you construct your new identity, get your new domain, develop your new site and take it live, your new identity is born! But what about your old identity? An unsuccessful rebranding can be due to mishandling of the old domain.
Click here to read more.
Supercharge Your Business During the Summer Months
It’s now summer in the northern hemisphere. Summer is typically a slow time for a lot of businesses. While your competitors may be resigned to not getting new business, you can take advantage of the timing. I’ll be sharing some ideas that you can implement over the next couple of months on how to boost your business if you offer any kind of business services such as coaching or consulting.
Click here to read more.
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